The World of MAhout

MAhout is a small, highly personal travel and representation company which provides a face and a voice in the UK for India’s finest, private, independent hotels; and suggests ideas for travel in this great and varied land. We are all about seeking out those delicious hotels which have something different to say; and to creating amazing ‘moments’ for you to cherish and savour. We provide a face and a voice in the UK for private, independent hotels and companies which do not find it viable to have their own offices here. We are, effectively, their 'ambassador', providing them with increased exposure to the public, in the travel trade and trade press, whilst each fully retains its own identity and individuality.

MAhout also provides expert consultancy in planning your perfect holiday, be it to India, Nepal, Bhutan or Sri Lanka – we know them all intimately, visit them regularly and never sell a hotel unseen. When travelling in the subcontinent it’s vital to have good services on the ground and that is exactly what we have with a brilliant team of people in each country, making sure every aspect of your holiday runs seamlessly and with help always on hand should it be needed. It’s vital to have good, safe, reliable drivers who know their way around and who are always at your disposal; to have accessible, knowledgeable staff always at the end of the phone should you have any queries or dramas en route; to have everything pre-booked for you so as to avoid long queues; to have safe, regularly checked, comfortable vehicles; to have knowledgeable, friendly guides who speak good English (or any other language should you prefer – it can be arranged). Above all you need someone who has in depth knowledge of the country, it’s people and hotels so that you end up in the right place for YOU and ensuring wherever you go ticks all the boxes for you to have a memorable journey. Through her contacts and friendships, you will have access to a deeply level of society in the subcontinent and experience more than you ever could have dreamt of.

the subcontinent enthrals, mystifies and intoxicates its visitors – so much so that many see it as their second or spiritual 'home' and yearn to return year after year. Having been well and truly bitten by the 'India bug', Mary-Anne- has spent several years travelling in the subcontinent and has been lucky enough to discover a few of its many hidden secrets and to form long and lasting friendships with some of the most affable people in the world. We do hope that, as you glance through these enlightening web pages, you will find a special place which either lures you back to this extraordinary country or which tempts you out here for the first time. Be warned, however, once you begin exploring these little gems, you may find yourself captivated forever more!

Mary-Anne Denison-Pender

Like its hotels, MAhout is small, intimate and personal and Managing Director, Mary-Anne Denison-Pender, is directly involved in all aspects of the running of the business. In this aspect alone there are huge benefits as it is Mary-Anne who personally looks after the company's clients' interests, rather than handing things over to someone who is less knowledgeable.

Her passion for travel and, in particular the subcontinent, is unsurpassed and, via MAhout, the travel trade and members of the press have direct access to her and her in depth knowledge and valued advice, at all times.

Her dedication to the trade is well known the world over and she is widely regarded as being the UK’s leading expert’ on the subcontinent.

Mary-Anne has been in the trade for 36 years and has built up a strong and recognised reputation around the world. She first travelled to India 38 years ago and, on arrival, she immediately fell in love with the country and decided to 'stay on' for a while. Her time there was spent exploring every nook and cranny of the country, travelling on buses and trains (often the rooftops!) During the course of her travels she made a great many true and lasting friendships, which she still retains today and which enable her to do what she is now doing with such aplomb and expertise.

Subsequent years were spent travelling in Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tibet, China and Hong Kong before continuing to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand and New Caledonia. When she finally hung up her 'backpacking' boots, she joined Cox & Kings Travel Ltd. as a specialist India consultant and subsequently ran their India product. She later joined / was part of setting up Western & Oriental Travel Ltd. where she was Managing Director. Having created their Asian product, Mary-Anne secured its widely acknowledged reputation as the UK's leading tour operator for holidays to the subcontinent and Asia. The brochures she produced for the company are considered 'collectors' items' by many individuals and are used as 'bibles' by other specialist tour operators.

Twenty-two years ago Mary-Anne moved on again in order to pursue what she has always felt destined to do - namely to put some of India's finest small hotels 'on the map' and provide an intensely personal and informative travel consultancy! The result is MAhout – an owner run company whose primary focus is to create exposure and business for some of the Subcontinent’s most exceptional and deserving hotels; along with creating dream trips for clients. When asked what she does, her stock answer is ‘all things South Asian’. Her passion for the subcontinent is limitless.

Mary-Anne’s mantra:

Move slowly. Immerse. Say yes! Embrace the mystery and the exotic.
Lose the fear. Trust. And you will have the holiday of your life!